Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rockets lose a nail bitter with Clippers

Ok so it wasn't a nail bitter and more of a good ole fashioned butt kicking! The Rockets lost the middle game of their Western conference trip, 137 to 118 was the final score as the Clips handed the unbeaten Rockets the 1st loss of the early season.

For the 1st time in 3 games the Rockets defensively did not show up to the game, during the 1st three games the Rockets would lock it down in either the 1st or 2nd half but not tonight.  The Rockets never really had a chance tonight, from the tip off the Clippers went on a 23-8 run totally taking the wind out of the Rockets sails. The Rockets made it close and cut it to 9 at one point during the 3rd quarter but the Clippers put the pedal back to the metal and with 5 minutes left in the game Head coach Kevin McHale waived the white flag.

Clippers tonight out Rockets the Rockets tonight the Clippers had 15 3's while the Rockets had only 7 including 0 from James Harden who went 0-7. Omri Casspi who missed the last game came back with vengeance to lead the Rockets in scoring with 19 points going 6-12 from the field and 3-6 on 3's. Coach McHale and James Harden both post game made mention of early foul troubles that lead to bad defense.  

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