Friday, November 1, 2013

Rockets beat Mavericks 113 to 105

Rockets win against I-45noth rivals the Dallas Mavericks 113 to 105, the Rockets got major contributions from All Stars James Harden and Dwight Howard to start of the season with two wins. Harden lit up the Mavericks to the tune of 34 points while Howard cleaned up the backboard to the tune of 16 rebounds.

The Rockets unlike their previous game got off to a MUCH better start even though within minutes Omer Asik was out of the game due to picking up two quick personal fouls killing the twin towers lineup. The Rockets used pace and 3’s to take a 61 to 50 lead at the half. When the 2nd half started the Mavs were soon to employ Hack A Howard which seemed to work for a while with Howard clanking free throws left and right. The game inching ever closer Howard was able to nail back to back free throws which pretty much ended the Hack A Howard technique.

Dwight Howard in his 1st two games as a Houston Rocket he has 42 rebounds, 30 points showing he was worth every penny the Rockets shelled out to snag the super star free agent this past offseason. Before the game Mavericks owner Mark Cuban made comments that Howard picked the wrong team and you can see why Cuban was so frustrated, because this version of Dwight Howard makes your team 10 times better than the year before.

Below is post game comments from Dwight Howard where he talks about his game and about Mark Cuban. 

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