Monday, November 18, 2013

Johnson Needs To Demand Change

The Texans have 1 player in Andre Johnson who is a lead pipe lock to make it to the hallowed halls of the pro football hall of fame. Outside of JJ Watt the other 50ish players have 0 shot to make it such a high level. What do Johnson and Watt have in common, they aren’t loud mouths and let their play speak for its self. The game against the Oakland Raiders was a statement game in the fact that, the Texans made a statement to the rest of the league, we aren’t playoff contenders.

The Oakland Raiders came in seemingly limping, losing 2 in a row before playing the Texans and even went to a 3rd string undrafted rookie QB Matt McGloin a day before the game. The Texans went in riding a small wave of momentum from the Texans own undrafted rookie QB Case Keenum. Texans Head Coach Gary Kubiak at halftime made a change at QB and put in struggling starter Matt Schaub who had missed the past 3 games due to being a back and being injured. On the final play of the game for the Texans ended in an incomplete pass from Matt Schaub to Andre Johnson, the following ensued…. The struggling QB yelled at the over performing future hall of famer WR.

The two even had to be separated on the sideline, and resulted in Johnson running of the field before the game ended. Yea that can’t EVER happen, Andre Johnson has done so much for this team this city. Short of Johnson catching the pass and handing it to the defender there is 0 reason to get mad at Johnson. Post-game when Johnson was asked if he still wanted to be here, Johnson said “I’m under contract”. Bob McNair you need to do something about this situation before it becomes a VERY bad situation. No McNair won’t do anything drastic like that.

If the leaders like Johnson want something to happen, he needs to demand it! Johnson needs to come out be honest, be passionate, and be fiery. He needs to demand change, he needs to share what he wants. It’s so true the one thing we love about Johnson is he is so great and not a diva, but he needs to bring out his inner diva to turn this ship around. If Johnson came out and said “I am done catching passes from Matt Schaub” Case Keenum would be the starter for the rest of the season… If Johnson came out and said “Coach Kubiak is unfair and treats players different and I won’t play for him anymore” Kubiak would be on the next slow boat to China. If JJ Watt and Andre Johnson want something to change on this team, they need to demand it! 

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